
NVGLOBE-L Distinguished Lecture Series

This series, brought to you by NVGLOBE-L and the Ozmen Center for Entrepreneurship, features speakers who have made significant contributions to policy research and practice in academia, government and the business world.

Upcoming lectures

The Voltage Effect in Behavioral Economics

Distinguished Lecture

October 15, 2021, 11:00am-12:00pm (PST)

By John A. List, Kenneth C. Griffin Distinguished Service Professor of Economics University of Chicago

Behavioral Economics (BE) and lab/field experiments in the last several decades have contributed to the deepening scientific knowledge by uncovering mechanisms, producing key interventions, and estimating program effects. This represented a logical first step, as experimentalists sought to provide deeper empirical insights and theoretical tests as part of the credibility revolution of the 1990s. Nevertheless, what has been lacking is a scientific understanding of how to make optimal use of the scientific insights generated for policy purposes. I denote this as the “scale-up” problem, which revolves around several important questions, such as: do the BE insights we find in the petri dish scale to larger markets and settings? When we scale the BE intervention to broader and larger populations, should we expect the same level of efficacy that we observed in the small-scale setting? If not, then what are the important threats to scalability? What can the researcher do from the beginning of their scholarly pursuit to ensure eventual scalability and avoid voltage drops?

The Voltage Effect in Behavioral Economics

Previous lectures

Does the World Need a World Tax Organization?

Distinguished Tax Policy Lecture

March 4, 2021, 10:00-11:30am (PST)

By Vito Tanzi, Honorary President of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Munich, Germany

There is currently no worldwide tax authority that coordinates taxation efforts between countries in a global economy. In this lecture, internationally renowned economist and tax policy expert Dr. Vito Tanzi will discuss the challenges posed by the complexity of tax systems and global tax competition, and the need for a “World Tax Organization.”

Does the World Need a World Tax Organization?

Tax Policy Measures to Combat the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic and Considerations to Improve Tax Compliance: A Behavioral Perspective

Distinguished Tax Policy Lecture

March 26, 2021, 10:00-11:30am (PST)

By James Alm, President, National Tax Association

There is rising interest in using tax policy to fight the COVID-19 pandemic? In this lecture, renowned public finance economist and President of the National Tax Association Professor James Alm will talk about tax policy measures from a behavioral perspective and will discuss designing policy to improve tax compliance in the future.

Tax Policy Measures to Combat the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Global Crises and Our Policy Response: A Conversation with President Mary C. Daly

Distinguished International Lecture

April 7, 2021, 10:00-11:00am (PST)

By Mary C. Daly, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

It is our pleasure to host President Mary C. Daly of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in our first Distinguished International Lecture. In this virtual event, moderated by Dr. Mehmet. S. Tosun, Professor of Economics and Director of International Programs at UNR College of Business, President Daly will discuss the state of the US economy, including the Fed’s response to the pandemic, the role central banks play in addressing climate change, and economic inequality. Please join us for this exciting event.

Global Crises and Our Policy Response