
Cluster proposal paper rubric

Cluster proposal paper rubric
Component (weighted) Not addressed Not acceptable Below expectations Meets expectations Exceeds Expectations
Title (1) No title included
  • Overly generic title such as “Cluster Proposal” or “General Studies Cluster”
  • Misleading title
  • Title only includes listing of areas of study
  • Does not show incorporation of goals
  • Title too long or short
  • Title references goals
  • Does not incorporate areas of study
  • Clear and succinct title
  • Title is creative
  • Incorporates areas of study with goals
  • Title grabs reader’s attention
Course description (2) Does not address all courses in the cluster
  • Addresses most courses in the cluster
  • Does not provide description for courses
  • All courses in the cluster are addressed
  • Provides basic description of courses in the cluster
  • All courses in the cluster are addressed
  • Includes course descriptions
  • Includes content learned from some courses
  • All courses in the cluster are addressed
  • Includes a course description
  • Provides specific content learned from the courses
Coherence as cluster (3) Does not provide evidence of how courses fit together as a cluster
  • Justification for courses in the cluster is not well-defended
  • Not all courses fit together in the cluster
  • Addresses the courses as a cluster
  • Does not demonstrate how courses fit together in the cluster
  • Courses are not organized
  • Mentions how courses fit together as a cluster
  • Demonstrates how most courses have a place in the cluster
  • Courses are organized
  • Explains how courses fit together as a cluster
  • Demonstrates how each course has a place in the cluster
  • Courses are organized appropriately
Relevance to goals (3) Does not include information regarding educational or career goals
  • Unclear educational or career goals
  • Courses not relevant to goals
  • Educational or career goals are listed
  • Courses does not show evidence re: relevance to goals
  • Unrealistic or misunderstood pathway to goals
  • Educational or career goals are listed
  • Not all courses show evidence re: relevance to goals
  • Clearly defines student’s educational, career, or personal goals
  • Well thought-out and defended relevance to goals for all courses
Writing (2)* Includes evidence of plagiarism or any other violation of academic integrity
  • Improper formatting or lack of proper citation
  • Frequent errors in writing
  • Errors of verb tense, punctuation, and/or word choice
  • Unclear flow of courses
  • Unclear transitions and/or cohesion errors
  • Appropriate format and citation
  • Few errors in verb tense, punctuation, and word choice
  • Only small issues with flow throughout the paper
  • Proper format and citations included
  • Proper verb tense, punctuation, and word choice
  • Consistent flow throughout the paper
  • Proper transition between paragraphs

*Writing must be at “meets expectations” level for the proposal to pass, regardless of scores for the other components