
Timeline for degree completion

Recommended timeline for Thesis Plan

  • Take 6-9 graduate credits per semester. For example, to reach the needed 30 credits for graduation, you may take 9 credits for two semesters and 6 credits for the other two semesters.
  • Identify a Thesis Advisor and Graduate Committee by the end of your first year.
  • As early as possible, but no later than the beginning of your third semester in the program, complete the Program of Study form.
  • Start work on your Master’s Thesis by no later than the beginning of your third semester.
  • Complete work on your Master’s Thesis during your fourth semester. Circulate your complete thesis among members of your Graduate Committee, at least two weeks prior to the thesis defense. In case of a very long or very detailed thesis, committee members may need more time to review your work.
  • Schedule a public defense of your thesis. Consult your Advisor, Graduate Committee members, and the Graduate Director about their time and availability.
  • Upon successful defense of the thesis, file the Notice of Completion with the Graduate School.

Recommended timeline for Non-Thesis Plan

  • Take 6-9 graduate credits per semester. For example, to reach the needed 30 credits for graduation, you may take 9 credits for two semesters and 6 credits for another two semesters. 
  • As early as possible, but no later than the beginning of your third semester in the program, complete the Program of Study form.
  • Schedule the Comprehensive Exam during your fourth semester of the program. Identify which three courses (in addition to MATH 713) you would like to test in, and notify your instructors from those courses and the Graduate Director.
  • Upon successful completion of the Comprehensive Exam, file the Notice of Completion with the Graduate School.

Forms required for graduation

The following forms must be submitted to the Graduate School during the progression to your terminal degree; they can be found on the Forms webpage:

  • Declaration of Advisor/Major Advisor/Committee Chair
    • For students on the Thesis Plan, this form must be submitted to Graduate School by the end of the student’s second semester. For the Non-Thesis Plan, the student's Advisor will be the Graduate Director unless a different Advisor/Committee Chair is selected.
  • Program of Study
    • Must be submitted to Graduate School by the end of the student’s third semester.
  • Graduation Application
    • Must be submitted to the Graduate School several weeks in advance. Check the Graduate Student website for exact dates.
  • The Notice of Completion form should be submitted after all requirements for the degree have been met (for Thesis Plan or Non-Thesis Plan).
  • Optional , to be completed upon graduation. This survey is voluntary and confidential, and takes about five minutes.

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Please note: this represents the program handbook for the 2021-2022 academic year only. For an archived version of a previous year's handbook, or to obtain a hard copy of this current year's program handbook, please contact the program director.