
Lars Strother

Associate Professor
Headshot of Lars Strother


Dr. Strother studies sensory, cognitive and motor function using behavioral methods and neuroimaging (e.g. fMRI). He is particularly interested in the mechanisms by which the human brain interprets sensory information and the influence of prior experience on visual processes underlying object perception, face recognition and reading. Dr. Strother is also interested in visual art, aesthetics, visual communication in digital media, and the sheer joy of perceptual experience.

Research Interests

  • Perceptual organization and form perception
  • The neural basis of word recognition and reading
  • Object perception and face recognition
  • Action, intention and motor control
  • Cerebral laterality
  • Visual aesthetics

Courses taught

Graduate courses

  • PSY 761a - Perceptual organization in human vision
  • PSY 761b - Neurophilosophy
  • PSY 763a - Vision, language and cerebral laterality
  • PSY 763b - Neuroaesthetics

Undergraduate courses

  • PSY 499 - Cyberpsychology
  • PSY 406 - Perception
  • PSY 301 - Experimental psychology
  • PSY 210 - Statistical methods


  • Ph.D., Psychology, University of Virginia, 2006
  • B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992


  • Chkhaidze, A. and Strother, L. (preprint) Language-induced categorical perception of faces? 
  • Ray,L., Shaw, C., Otto, S., Riviere-Cazaux, C., Strother, L., Burns, T. and Khan, M.R. (preprint) MRI-to-Synthetic 3D Gel Brain: Proof-of-Concept Fabrication For Intra-Parenchymal Diffusion Studies.
  • Harrison, M. and Strother, L. (2021). Does face-selective cortex show a left visual field bias for centrally-viewed faces? Neuropsychologia.
  • Harrison, M. and Strother, L. (2020). Does right hemisphere superiority sufficiently explain the left visual field advantage in face recognition? Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.
  • Strother, L. (2019). A neural basis of the serial bottleneck in visual word recognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
  • Zhou, Z., Whitney, C. and Strother, L. (2019). Embedded word priming elicits enhanced fMRI responses in the visual word form area. PLoS ONE.
  • Zhou, Z., Vilis, T. and Strother, L. (2019). Functionally separable font-invariant and font-sensitive neural populations in occipitotemporal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
  • Nah, J.C., Neppi-Modona, Strother, L., Behrmann, M., and Shomstein, S (2018). Object width modulates object-based attention. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.
  • Harrison, M.T. and Strother, L. (2018). Visual recognition of mirrored letters and the right hemisphere advantage for mirror-invariant object recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
  • Strother, L., Zhou, Z., Coros, A.M., and Vilis, T. (2017). An fMRI study of visual hemifield integration and cerebral lateralization. Neuropsychologia.
  • Erlikhman, G., Strother, L., Barzakov, I. and Caplovitz, G.C. (2017). On the legibility of mirror-reflected and rotated text. Symmetry.
  • Zhou, Z. and Strother, L. (2017). Distinct effects of contour smoothness and observer bias on visual persistence. Journal of Vision.
  • Vanston, J.E. and Strother, L. (2017). Sex differences in the human visual system. Journal of Neuroscience Research.