
Admission application statistics

The following statistics apply to those admitted each application cycle since the point-matrix system became effective in the Spring 2019 application cycle. The information provided is an average for each cohort, meaning there were higher numbers and lower numbers for the 64 candidates admitted each cycle until Fall 2022 when that number increased to 72 admissions.

BSN admission application cycle statistics
Category Spring 2019 Application for Fall 2019 Admission Fall 2019 Application for Spring 2020 Admission Spring 2020 Application for Fall 2020 Admission Fall 2020 Application for Spring 2021 Admission Spring 2021 Application for Fall 2021 Admission Fall 2021 Application for Spring 2022 Admission Spring 2022 application for Fall 2022 Admission Fall 2022 Application for Spring 2023 Admission
Average Point Score for those accepted 6.5 6.83 7.3 6.88 6.13 6.38 5.515 5.9
Average Prerequisite GPA 3.625 3.72 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.63 3.72
Average A&P HESI Score 93.14 92.39 94.2 N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A*
Average Cumulative HESI Score 92.59 90.76 92.5 91 N/A** N/A** N/A** N/A**
Average Cumulative TEAS Score N/A N/A N/A 76.78 87.73 89.72 82.11 85.8
Number of qualified candidates 98 96 97 140 115 107 80 113

*The Fall 2020 application switched to percentile scores with the addition of the TEAS assessment exam. HESI A&P scores are not counted in the point matrix Fall 2020 and forward.

**HESI Scores are not accepted started Spring 2021 application cycle.